Where did I come from?

Up the garden path


We need your help to support our awesome frontline – The network of independent fresh produce retailers that will make the majority of our harvest available to you! Help us to direct other customers to your local retailer by letting us know where you found your 2E avocado or pumpkin. We greatly appreciate the time you have taken to fill out this information.

All of our produce is grown in a syntropic food forest which relies on the plants working together to improve the soil diversity and deliver nutrients to the crop. It’s pretty tricky and controls weds and pests without the need for chemicals… Instead of leaching nutrients from the soil, it will actually regenerate and improve the land. By purchasing produce from farms & retailers that are focused on regenerative agriculture, you are doing your part in protecting the earth…and you get to eat the healthiest and yummiest food! Hi 5 yourself!!

syntropic – organic – biodynamic!


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    Like an Easter Egg hunt only healthier